
Duration • 12 weeks

Roles • Project Manager, Visual Designer, Branding & Merch

An interactive in-exhibit experience of creating a star.

Starchitects is a group project that tackled the premise of "Strange Transformations" by creating a galaxy of stars generated by our exhibit guests. Our guests had a 2-part experience that connected a web app and a projection that could be controlled by the web app.

I performed in multiple roles, primarily focusing on project management, visual design for the web app, and brand identity.

Visitor Journey

Visitors were invited to scan our QR code when entering our exhibit to take the quiz. Though this, they can discover which starchetype best represents them. After getting their star, they customize it with color and particles, and when finished can send their star off into our galaxy projected on the main wall of our exhibit.

They can further interact with their star by pressing buttons in the web app that have a camera focus on their star and do a fun particle effect.


Visitor Starchetypes Breakdown

We tracked the different stars being sent into our galaxy, and were able to see which starchetypes were the most common.



To broaden our appeal, we had a kiosk web app option for people without phones. This allowed our visitors without phones or were didn't want to scan the QR code to have a parallel experience to those on their phones.

Web App


Before creating wireframes for the web app portion of the project, we established the specific functions the web app would allow visitors to do. The main functionalities we found were allowing visitors to take our quiz, customize the star they earned, and interact with their star after sending it into our galaxy.

We worked off of our wireframes and figured out main animations and trasitions through prototypes, as well as special animations for significant moments in our visitor's experience, such as star reveals and star send offs.

Want to experience the web app yourself? Visit it with the above button.


Starchitects Identity

The Starchitects brand is thought through, with wordmark, icons, and verbiage used when referring to elements within our project. When referring to different types of stars, we chose to make it a pun similar to the project's name "Starchitects" (star + architects) by referring to them as "starchetypes" (star + archetypes).

We also made an emphasis on exploration and discovery in the way we talk to our visitors.


Color palette used for everything.


Final icons used in the web app. Stars are incorpated in all of them.


Preliminary sketches for the Starchitects wordmark.


Final version of the logo. The first "S" also serves as a standalone logo and is designed to refer to our visitor's action of sending their star off into the galaxy.

Galaxy Elements

3D Stars

Resulting from taking the quiz, our visitors would receive a "Starchetype" based on their answers to the questions. Each 3D model was customizable in color so visitors can add their personal touch.


I illustrated sprites that could be manipulated in color for particles on the stars.

Clover Particles

Swirl Particles

Star Particles

Team Members

Design Team • Alec Jones, Wil Gross, Kevin Valete, Madeline Olszewski, Delancey Hobbs, Kenneth Wood

Developer Team • Abraham Furlan, Hugo Serinese, Felix Warner

Other Case Studies

New York Digital ID

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© Jenna DuBois 2024

Jenn(a) (DuB)oi(s)

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